11 kVA Bidirectional Inverter

11 kVA Bidirectional Inverter

The demonstrator presented is an 11 kVA bidirectional inverter. The inverter delivers an active (up to 11 kVA) and reactive power (up to 5 kVAr) depending on load and grid state. The inverter has a high power density and can be integrated into chargers for electric vehicles. The inverter has a maximum efficiency of 98.2% to 98.7% in a load range of 10% to 100% of the nominal power. The inverter is designed to meet the requirements of a typical grid-connected inverter and can be used for photovoltaic and E-mobility applications. This inverter was part of a research project 'BiLawE' and is integrated in the stationary unit of a bidirectional inductive charging system for electric vehicles.