Fraunhofer ISI
Fraunhofer ISI launches online survey on "Future Battery Skills Needs"
The global battery demand will dramatically increase in the next 10 years and beyond. This will create new jobs that require specific battery knowledge and skills. But which future skills are exactly needed? To answer this question, Fraunhofer ISI in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance and the Fraunhofer Academy conducts a new online survey which addresses battery experts from industry and public organisations. The survey runs until November 30th.

A skilled workforce along the entire Battery Value Chain will be decisive for European companies in order to be competitive and sustainable. According to a number of estimations, the job market impact per GWh battery production is expected to be at least 90 direct jobs and over 300 indirect jobs along the Battery Value Chain (less direct job effects per GWh when including scale effects). Thus, several hundreds of thousands of people with knowledge and skills on different aspects related to batteries will be needed in the next 5 – 10 years and beyond.
It is hence urgently needed to understand the demand for workforce and qualifications arising in Europe along the value chain
Fraunhofer ISI in cooperation with Fraunhofer Battery Alliance and the Fraunhofer Academy invites European experts working along the battery value chain to participate in an online survey on "future battery skills needs". The focus groups are experts from industry (from equipment, material, component supplier to cell production, battery integration and recycling) to assess the needs for action in private companies. However, also the offer and education of skilled personnel from public organisations (Universities, RTOs, etc.) is of interest in order to derive a gap analysis.
The survey for experts from industry will take around 20 minutes. The survey for experts from public organisations will take around 10 minutes.