MetFox - Optimized weather data for the energy transition

Fraunhofer IEE has been using and optimizing meteorological data, such as numerical weather predictions, station measurements, remote sensing data and reanalysis for decades. We focus on Germany and Europe, but we also store global datasets. Different meteorological datasets can be combined and optimized according to your needs. While developing, testing and calibrating, we make sure to take your input and needs into account to generate the highest benefit possible. Our meteorological archive includes data of the following institutions:

  • German Weather Service (DWD),
  • European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF),
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
  • Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC),
  • UK Met Office,
  • The Weather Company, an IBM Business

Our daily business is to interpolate weather data in both, space and time (e.g. Kringing), but we also combine different datasets in an optimal way. For example, GIS datasets include valuable terrain information, which we use to increase the spatial resolution of gridded meteorological datasets. In addition, we also offer long-term corrections and calibrations of model outputs using novel methodologies, such as machine learning. We are happy to adapt our solutions to you specific application.

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